Happy senior couple

Lunch and Learn
February 12-13, 11:30 am

From the moment you arrive on the Friendsview campus, you’ll discover a senior living community that loves giving back to its own neighborhood and beyond.

Stay Safe as Oregon Methodically Reopens


As Governor Brown starts to slowly lift restrictions on Oregon activities and businesses, starting with restaurants, barbers, gyms and small gatherings (without travel), it is important to remember all the public health and safety advice that has been given in the last two months.

You might wonder how this affects Friendsview. Because of the risk this virus continues to pose for seniors, we recommend Friendsview residents remain vigilant and stay in place.

Oregon’s Phase 1 will have very little impact on residents.  Lifting of the strict visitation guidelines in the main building, where Friendsview’s health services are provided, won’t be considered until later phases. Those details are still being worked out by licensing authorities.  Residents outside of the main building might experience some additional freedoms. However, authorities and Friendsview’s administration continue to advise of the very high risk of contracting the illness among people who live and work in congregate settings such as ours.

Reopening Friendsview will be much harder than it was to close things down, and we will eventually focus on one service at a time. Each service added will require that we put safe protocols in place and assure adequate resources and supplies are available. The first service we will work to return is hair/beauty services. We will report procedures and processes in the coming days.