Virginia Wood
Vice Chair
Virginia Wood moved to Friendsview in 2012 after serving with her husband as Friends in Residence for Honolulu Friends Meeting. As outdoor enthusiasts, they were happy to relocate to Oregon and Newberg where David had family ties. Prior to their two-year residency in Hawaii, they lived for 40 years in Ohio. Virginia was an educator in a public-school setting serving the needs of children and youth with special needs. She holds a Masters Degree from The Ohio State University in the Psychology of Exceptional Children. While in Ohio, Virginia served in leadership roles for Friends General Conference, a national Quaker organization and Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting, a regional Quaker organization. She was released along with her husband David by OVYM and FGC to travel as a Visiting Friend for Quaker Meetings and isolated Quakers throughout the United States and Canada. Here at Friendsview she continues her love of the outdoors by serving on the Fitness Committee and the care committee for the nature area along Hess Creek.